Links to my music will appear here soon.

In the meantime I will post about great guitar songs here for you to listen to:

Here's seperate category lists by decade; I'm aiming to have 100 songs in each.

1960s / 1970s / 1980s / 1990s / 2000s / 2010s/ 2020s

Invisible Movement - John Frusicante (2001)

In 2001 Frusciante was eager to create after a multi-year purgatory in drug addiction. Listening to the album 'To Record Water for Only 10 Days' you realise how much of it served as his moodboard for the Chilis next project (By The Way), especially on tracks like 'The Zephyr Song'. Without the personalities of Flea and AK, we get to see the bare bones of Frusciante's compositional prowess and expressive guitar playing and singing. It's notable that the guitars on this project are recorded via a direct input into an 8 track rather than mic'd up by an amplifier.

Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5 (2007)

Before you hipsters collectively groan, there was a time when Adam Levine et al made music that wasn't just Top-Chart-slop. This song from their sophomore showed signs of their readiness to leave their rockist roots established on their lauded debut. If you know anything about me is that I am a student of Nile Rodger's guitar playing and songwriting - and I think this song contains are great take on it, super rythmic and fun.  The  chords played on the '1,' and the '2 and,' in the bridge is very reminiscent of 70s/80s disco and the way the guitars, vocals, drums and synth bass bounce of eachother is so enjoyable. Levine's performance is kind of sick, it has that 'newly rich,' confidence.

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