Links to my music will appear here soon.

In the meantime I will post about great guitar songs here for you to listen to:

Here's seperate category lists by decade; I'm aiming to have 100 songs in each.

1960s / 1970s / 1980s / 1990s / 2000s / 2010s/ 2020s

poppy whispers off to work! - Daniel Paul, nykolaes, Poppy Whispers (2023)

The acoustic guitar here is played so stridently it feels like there's an incoming 'drop.' Poppy spends a verse considering resigning from her job, I hope she did. Clocking in at 1:06 it always leaves you wanting more.

2020 - Raff Poole (2024)

Strummed steel strings echo throughout the intro, getting you into a mindful space for the song that follows. The expressive opening playing is exchanged by the first verse for a more muted, almost baseline approach (but somehow also dense in texture) to playing complete with arpgegios as fills between verses all the while you hear the cello-like guitar slide noises creep out of the mix of this slowcore Kelly Jonesish tune. After listening to this it's hard not to feel as though you're in a better place.

heaven can wait - Organ Tapes (2022)

Fingerpicked arpeggios swell through the intro while Tim autocroons over them in the verses. The chord changes and movement into the chorus is remarkable, topped with a sample of what sounds like a busking electric guitarist... or fiddler? to close out the hook.

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